In today's article we look at what uniform security guards wear and why is uniform important for a security guard?
Okay so the uniform choice is down to each individual client and security guard company. It ranges quite a bit around the globe. In London, UK security guards these days in a high end retail, bar or club setting traditionally don the men in black look with a black suit, white shirt, black tie, black shoes and very importantly black socks! (We don't want no moon walking Michael Jacksons)
In some corporate security environments they are now opting for a blue suit with black shoes to shy away from the in your face security look.
In a casual sportswear clothing brand, warehouse or residential team security guards attire is a black shirt or black polo shirt which can be covered with a jumper for extra warmth and black plain trousers or combats with black boots. Comfortable and practical footwear is a must as a security guard spends a lot of time on their feet.

Why is it important to have a presentable and well groomed appearance in security?
Personal presentation is important as a security guard due to the position being one of authority. As a security professional serving the business you have an impact on the community in which you work. Having a polished image represents you well through first impressions showing you have standards when it comes to your professional conduct. Without a clean crisp uniform and appearance you run the risk of not being taken seriously when it matters and having to work harder to project authority and get the job done. Security guards are often the first person people turn to when there is an emergency so it important you are instantly recognisable in such a situation.
A presentable security officer should always have:
Clean, neat hair
A clean, pressed complete uniform
Clean boots with soft soles. Soft soles will eliminate noisy footsteps when you’re on patrol and also absorb impact more, reducing the likelihood of sore feet, knees and shin splints during long patrols
A clean shaven face to enhance your look of professionalism
Why is a security officers uniform so important?
A security uniform kept in good order enables pride and a sense of belonging.
Every security officer in the field, should take pleasure in being a part of a renowned, professional security business. Security agents who wear uniforms feel more a part of the organisation and at home there, and they also stand out as professionals who should be respected.
It is a Highly Effective Crime Deterrent
Clothing has a positive effect on first impressions. Uniform in particular plays a part in a person’s perceived authority and professionalism. When criminals see that an officer in uniform is present, they are far less likely to commit a crime than if the guard in question were dressed in plain clothes, as a uniform helps to serve as a deterrent. Security operatives should always keep their uniform in impeccable condition ensuring it is ironed and fresh. An untidy appearance conveys a complacent attitude which nobody wants.
Security operatives uniform gives customers and staff reassurance
The presence of a security officer in uniform gives consumers and employees of a business comfort and peace of mind. Everyone is aware that a trained security operative is available to take action in an emergency.
The security uniform reflects the clients brand
As a result of the fact that the general public does not instantly recognise that a security officer on duty is from a security guard supplier, a guard's uniform helps to link them to your company brand and portray it as a reliable and respectable name.
Security Uniform is instantly recognisable
No matter where are you are in London, security uniform stands out. This is helpful to tourists and Londoners alike in the case of emergencies security guard uniforms are immediately identifiable. Security agents are often the first person that people turn to in an emergency so have an easily recognisable uniform is an important factor.