Since 2016 as part of our security services offering, Fahrenheit Security has been providing keyholding and alarm response services.
Our keyholding service involves our fully trained SIA licensed mobile patrols keeping a set of keys to your home or business in a secure safe ready to respond to alarm activation's.
In addition to responding to alarms, you may call upon us to give you access to your property should you ever be without your key or have it lost or stolen, or even to provide access to a contractor or facilitate other third party access visits. We can also conduct mobile patrols and void property inspections.
What benefits can you expect using a keyholding company over your own staff?
Key holders are the first to be alerted to an alarm activation and respond to a possible intrusion. Due to the associated risk and potential insurance liabilities this role does carry, it may not be ideal to put this responsibility on to an employee.

Keyholding companies such as Fahrenheit Security are equipped with trained SIA licensed personnel, ready to be despatched in the event of an alarm system sounding. An alarm response service that provides a professional, responsible and accountable service to your home or business premises to deal with a potential security breach and is fully insured to do so will help give you complete peace of mind.
Obviously a 5 star alarm response service comes at a price, but for the assurance that your in safe hands no matter what time of night it is really worth the money.
Fahrenheit Security take the worry out of attending an alarm with our rapid response keyholding services in London.

What are the typical responsibilities of a keyholder?

Keyholders are normally responsible for the opening and closing of a premises each working day. At the start of the day, they will be expected to walk through the property, deactivate the intruder alarm and switch on the lights and heating, doing the same in reverse at the end of the day.
It is the responsibility of the keyholder to ensure the premises are safe and secure before closing down for the night, weekend or any other period when the building is locked and alarmed.
Keyholders are also responsible to ensure the keys are safe. This is a 24/7 responsibility which must be taken seriously. They will also need to know the security codes for the alarms.
Good security practise
In high risk commercial premises such as jewellery or watch boutiques, it is good practise for two people to open and close. One to know the alarm codes and the other to be the key holder. That way would be criminals targeting the store won't be able to get in without either forcing entry or not knowing the alarm codes. Either way the alarm will be triggered and alert will be send to the keyholding and alarm response provider.
As the keyholder will have detailed knowledge of the site they are expected to act as an emergency contact whilst on site and liaise with the alarm receiving centre and Police as required upon attendance.
During late night or early morning call outs it will be the keyholder to ensure the property is secure if there has been a break-in or attempted break-in by carrying out security checks, and arranging the necessary locksmiths and tradespeople to make the property safe and prevent further any unauthorised entry in the mean-time.
What are the desired qualities of a keyholder?

If you are looking to selecting a key holder in-house rather than outsourcing then you need to consider the following factors.
Due to the amount of responsibility involved in being a keyholder, it is necessary when choosing someone to undertake the role that the selected person is going to be normally available and contactable outside of business hours and they live nearby and/or have the necessary means of transport to respond in a timely manner.
A key holder needs to be able to think on their feet and make critical decisions. Therefore you need someone who will be comfortable operating with autonomy.
It can be difficult to find a person with the right qualities if they haven't been recruited specifically for a key holding position. You wouldn't hire a cleaner and expect them to be able to do security or visa versa.
This is exactly why many businesses engage a keyholding service company, because their personnel have been selected and trained for that very role.
Keyholding companies also hold a SIA License to undertake the activity, a must-have for anyone working or supplying operatives under a contract for services when keeping custody of, or controlling access to, any key or similar device for operating any lock.
Remember if you deal with keyholding internally within your company then if staff leave you'll have the expense and hassle of changing the locks as well as finding a new key holder! Staff sabotage is not something that should be underestimated as sometimes employees can leave on bad terms.
24 hour alarm response specialists

The trained professional 's at the 24hr control centre will take your nominated alarm monitoring and receiving centre's intruder alarm activations call and immediately dispatch the nearest mobile response driver to attend the premises and investigate.
How does key holding and alarm response work?
The business or home is locked and alarmed.. then the alarm there sounds. Here’s what happens:
Firstly, the alarm receiving centre is alerted as to the type of alarm activation it is. If it is a confirmed activation
Your appointed alarm monitoring station alerts the nominated 24hr control centre team.
On the scene fast, we dispatch the best-placed responder to attend the property, assess the situation, and if needed, request emergency services and notify the as per our pre-agreed guidelines on “what to do upon attendance”.
We get things sorted, we arrange for an emergency guard to be in place until the property can be secured. We send out a full report of the incident and of the actions we’ve taken. Contact Fahrenheit Security for key holding London.

Frequently asked questions we receive as a Keyholding Company
What is a key holding service?
Keyholding is where a professional security professional keeps two keys in his possession and is responsible for responding to any security concerns. Their job entails monitoring your home to prevent any damage that could occur to the property.
What does the term key holder mean?
The person appointed by the court to be responsible for storing the keys for a particular property and the keyholder is the legal official for the property.
Can anyone be a keyholder?
Keyholder's name indicates the right for an individual to have the trust and power to open the wish at a time that is right for him or her.
What is a keyholder in security?
An owner is a person or organization who responds when an incident occurs in response to information received by a security system.
What is alarm response?
Alarm response is a person being alerted to an alarm activation and attending the premises with the keys and alarm codes to investigate the reason for the alarm activation and take remedial action as required once on site.
What is the response time can you expect from Fahrenheit Security?
In Central London our clients can expect out of hours average response times to be 20-25 minutes from receiving the alarm call out and attending site.
As is with ever alarm response solution, it is a shared service. As such, response times do vary depending on many factors such as your location, from the monitoring centre as well as the busyness of the authorities.

What types of intruder activations are there?

Here is what reaction you can expect when your intruder alarm signals to your monitoring station.
Unconfirmed Intruder Alarm - Your keyholding services company will be contacted by your alarm monitoring centre and requested to attend.
Confirmed Intruder Alarm when closed within re-arm period or audio or visual verification - Police attendance will be required and your keyholding services company will be contacted by your alarm monitoring centre and requested to attend.
Confirmed Intruder Alarm when open - Your keyholding services company will be contacted by your alarm monitoring centre and they will contact the homeowner or business owner to verify the response in case of false alarms before attending.
Unconfirmed Intruder alarm followed by an Open or Abort signal - No action taken
How will the rapid response security driver know my site?

When collecting your keys we put together a detailed response plan and risk assessment for the services in the form of assignment instructions.
These key holding and alarm response instructions will be tailored for your site and be in possession of the control room operative who will talk through the procedure and share the open, patrolling, lock up and other security requirements upon attendance. The picture guide walkthrough is self explanatory and is a real benefit when navigating around the building for the first time.
How much does Key Holding & Alarm Response Cost?

Typically the average homeowner can look to pay £400 per annum + £40 per call out for a keyholding and alarm response service.
Businesses in London can expect to pay a reasonable price of £500 per annum + £40 per call out for alarm response services.
When you break this down per day it is a very reasonable sum of money to part with to sleep easy at night or not worry about your property when you are on holiday.
Professional keyholding services in London
We will send a trained, SIA licensed responder to your activated alarm. This approach lowers your liability by ensuring your staff’s wellbeing by not exposing them to risk and can save on lost time at work. You can submit your interest in our keyholding services on e mail director@fahrenheitsecurity.com or call us on 02074095291
Fahrenheit Security
34 S Molton St, London, W1K 5RG
Telephone: 02074095291
Website: https://www.fahrenheitsecurity.com/
Plus Code: GV72+MG London
Book an appointment: https://fahrenheitsecurity.setmore.com/
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