Celebrities, professional sports people, lottery winners and chief executives of large corporations are always a target for criminals. As a High Net Worth Individual they are asset rich and tend to live in a fashion the average Joe could only dream of.

For social media stars and celebrities being successful means they need to have a visible online presence. Facebook, twitter and Instagram social media's are updated 24/7 often displaying their home life, work schedule and assets. In addition to this it has never been easier for a criminal to undertake hostile reconnaissance with access to drones and Google satellite view for a non obtrusive scope out of their intended target.
With technology in the hands of criminals what can high net worth individuals do to protect their homes?
1. Evaluate the Risk To the Person
At Fahrenheit Security we firmly believe in putting people before property. Any security survey firstly involves the risk factors that affect the client and their family. We analyse social media accounts and see what information is being made public and how easy it is for a criminal to survey the home and gauge the clients daily schedule.
2. Understand the Risk To The Property
Conduct a risk assessment of your home to ensure that all of the high-risk areas are safe. You will need to collaborate with a security professional, like Fahrenheit Security, where we can help you identify weaknesses and threats. Interview the security company owners before you let them in to your home and personal life. Make sure they have the know how and experience to identify, evaluate and mitigate threats by asking them for references and questions regarding their security consultancy experience.
Once you have instructed your chosen security consultants and they have performed a weakness and threat assessment a bespoke security programme can then be developed that will address
Guarding the perimeter of your property surrounding gates and external fences serves as a control mechanism for access to the property in addition to serving as an important deterrent as the first layer of protection.
Residents have the option of managing control internally or externally while away from the family home.
Closed Site Security Measures
Once inside the boundary, we refer to this area as closed site. Here, we can use the most advanced CCTV systems and equipment with a variety of clever systems, such as infrared and thermal imaging, to set off the intruder alarm. Additionally, the AI systems are able to tell the difference between animals and people, which helps reduce the number of false alarms.
We will also examine the weak points on your property that criminals might use as a point of entry.
Did you realise that if the power goes off, many high-tech security systems can be undone? Because of this, Fahrenheit Security Consultants make sure that even if the power goes out, our custom security systems continue to function! This is one of the causes for why layered security systems are ideal and why you should cooperate with businesses who are aware of the dangers!
Internal Security
If someone manages to get past the final layer of security, using internal security cameras within the house and outbuildings is not just a deterrent—they may also capture crucial evidence that can help with asset recovery and prosecution.
We provide custom security solutions made just for high-net-worth people. You can be seeking for house safety, asset security, or in some situations, assurance that you can find stalker evidence! Regardless of your security needs, our team of professionals will walk you through the finest options for you and your home!

3. Security Dogs
We can put you in touch with specialist dog protection companies who provide Protection Dogs. Ideally a client should look towards owning a German Shepherd Dog, Dobermann Pinschers, Cane Corsos, and Giant Schnauzers because of their ability to adapt to, and thrive in family environments with children. Unlike more active and potentially aggressive breeds such as Dutch Shepherd Dogs, Protection dogs are fearless and are an excellent deterrent against would be criminals.
4. Residential Security Teams
A Residential Security Team (RST) provides a capable, efficient and robust 24/7 physical presence at your home or estate. Operating overtly or discreetly, the physical presence of a residential security team provides protection to you and your family by conducting regular patrols to monitor, quickly deter and respond to any potential security threat.
Some of the duties a residential security team can undertake are:
House vulnerability assessment
Home security survey
Property access monitoring
Monitoring mail and deliveries
Maintenance and upgrades of existing security systems
Physical presence
CCTV monitoring
Foot patrols
Threat detection
Thank you for reading, we hope you consider Fahrenheit Security as a potential security company partner for your home and residence.
Fahrenheit Security, 34 S Molton St, London, W1K 5RG
Telephone: 02074095291
Website: https://www.fahrenheitsecurity.com/
Email: Director@fahrenheitsecurity.com